There You Go Again With That B

at that place

in or at that identify: The book is over at that place.

Not to be confused with:

their – possessive case of they: It is their book.

they're – they are: They're working on a 2d edition.

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words past Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree




ane. At or in that identify: sit over there.

2. To, into, or toward that place: wouldn't go there again.

iii. At that stage, moment, or point: Stop at that place before you lot brand any more mistakes.

4. In that matter: I tin can't agree with him there.

5. In a readily accessible or discoverable state: The answer is out there. All we have to practice is look for it.


1. Used to introduce a clause or judgement: There are numerous items. There must be some other go out.

2. Used to indicate an unspecified person in direct address: Hello in that location.


1. Used specially for accent after the demonstrative pronoun that or those, or after a substantive modified by the demonstrative adjective that or those: That person there ought to know the directions to town.

two. Nonstandard Used for emphasis between a demonstrative describing word meaning "that" or "those" and a noun: "Yous see them in that location handles?" (Cormac McCarthy). "I tell you ... that you buried paving-stones and earth in that there coffin" (Charles Dickens).


That place or point: stopped and went on from there.


Used to limited feelings such as relief, satisfaction, sympathy, or acrimony: There, now I can take some peace!


be there for (someone)

To be available to provide aid or comfort to someone in a time of difficulty.

out there

Extremely unconventional or eccentric.

Usage Annotation: According to the traditional rule, when at that place precedes a verb such as be, seem, or appear, the verb agrees in number with the following grammatical subject area: There is a keen Italian deli across the street. At that place are some boats in the harbor. There appears to be a fault. There seem to be several problems with the car. In spoken English, however, people ofttimes use there'south instead of in that location are with a plural subject, as in There's 2 slices of pizza left. The Usage Panel dislikes this construction. In our 2014 survey, just 17 percent accustomed the sentence There'due south but 3 things you need to know about this book (down slightly from 21 percent in 1995). Merely the results are very different when there's is followed by a chemical compound subject whose beginning element is singular: 89 per centum accepted the judgement In each of us there's a dreamer and a realist. Fifty-fifty more than, 95 percent, accepted the sentence When you get to the stop light, at that place's a gas station on the left and a grocery store on the correct. In these sentences, information technology'due south possible that the noun phrase following is is considered elliptical: there's a gas station on the left and [there'due south] a grocery store on the right. The Panel also accepted, only with far more ambiguity (58 pct), a singular verb when the subject is grammatically singular but notionally plural: At that place'south a large number of broken windows in the building.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

at that place



in, at, or to that place, signal, instance, or respect: nosotros never go there; I'm afraid I disagree with y'all there.


used as a grammatical discipline with some verbs, esp be, when the true discipline is an indefinite or mass noun phrase post-obit the verb as complement: in that location is a daughter in that office; there doesn't seem to exist whatever h2o left.


ane. (postpositive) who or which is in that identify or position: that boy in that location did it.

two. all there (predicative) having his or her wits about him or her; of normal intelligence

3. so in that location an exclamation that unremarkably follows a annunciation of refusal or disobedience: you lot can't take any more than, and then there!.

four. there and and so and then and there on the spot; immediately; instantly

5. there it is that is the state of diplomacy

half-dozen. in that location you are

a. an expression used when handing a person something requested or desired

b. an exclamation of triumph: at that place yous are, I knew that would happen!.


that place: near there; from there.


an expression of sympathy, as in consoling a kid

[Erstwhile English thǣr; related to Old Frisian thēr, One-time Saxon, Old High German thār, Old Norse, Gothic thar]

Usage: In correct usage, the verb should agree with the number of the subject in such constructions every bit there is a man waiting and at that place are several people waiting. However, where the bailiwick is chemical compound, it is common in speech to employ the singular every bit in at that place's a law car and an ambulance outside

Collins English language Dictionary – Complete and Entire, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ðɛər; unstressed ðər)


1. in or at that identify (opposed to here): She is there at present.

ii. at that point in an action, voice communication, etc.: He stopped at that place for applause.

3. in that matter, particular, or respect: Your anger was justified there.

iv. into or to that place; thither: We went there last year.

5. (used by manner of calling attention to something or someone): There they become.


half dozen. (used in identify of a noun of address): Hello, at that place.

7. (used to introduce a phrase or clause in which the verb comes before its subject area): There is no hope. At that place's someone at the door.


viii. that place or signal: I come up from in that location, too.


9. (used for emphasis, esp. subsequently a noun modified by a demonstrative describing word): Ask that man there.


10. (used to express satisfaction, relief, encouragement, approval, alleviation, etc.): There! Information technology'due south done.

[before 900; Middle English (adv.); One-time English thǣr, thēr, c. Sometime Western frisian thēr, Old Saxon thār, Old High German dār; akin to Old Norse, Gothic thar; compare that]

usage: The verb following the pronoun there is singular or plural according to the number of the subject that follows the verb: At that place is a bulletin for you lot. There are patients in the waiting room. With compound subjects in which all the coordinate words are singular, a singular verb often occurs, although the plural may also be used: There was (or were) a equus caballus and a cow in the pasture. When a chemical compound subject field contains both singular and plural words, the verb usu. agrees with the discipline closest to the verb, although a plural verb sometimes occurs regardless, esp. if the compound has more than two elements: In that location were staff meetings and a press conference daily. In that location was (or were) a glass, two plates, ii cups, and a teapot on the shelf.― It is nonstandard usage to place there betwixt a demonstrative describing word and the noun it modifies: that in that location car. The same is truthful of here: these here nails. Placed later the noun, both there and here are entirely standard: that auto there; these nails here.


a combining form meaning "wild animal, beast," usu. cogent an extinct mammal, as an adaptation of a zoological taxon ending in -therium or -theria: megathere.

[< New Latin -therium (singular), -theria (pl.) < Greek thēríon, derivative of thḗr beast of prey]

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 M Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random Firm, Inc. All rights reserved.


There has two main uses. Yous use it in front of a verb such equally be, or you lot use it as an adverb to refer to a place.

1. used in front of 'be'

Y'all use there in forepart of be to say that something exists or happens, or that something is in a detail place. When at that place is used like this, it is unremarkably pronounced /ðe/ or /ðə/. In slow or conscientious speech, information technology is pronounced /ðeə/.

There must be a reason.

In that location was a new cushion on 1 of the sofas.

After there, you utilise a atypical class of be in forepart of a atypical substantive phrase, and a plural class in front end of a plural noun phrase.

There is a fire on the quaternary flooring.

There are several bug with this method.

In chat, some people use at that place's in forepart of a plural noun phrase. For case, they say 'There's several problems with this method'. This employ is by and large regarded every bit wrong, and you shouldn't use it in formal speech or in writing.

Exist Careful!
Don't use 'there is' or 'there are' with since to say how long agone something happened. Don't say, for example, 'There are four days since she arrived in London'. Say 'It's four days since she arrived in London' or 'She arrived in London iv days agone'.

Information technology'due south iii months since you were here last.

Her married man died 4 years ago.

2. used as an adverb

In its other main use, there is used for referring to a place which has just been mentioned. When there is used like this, information technology is always pronounced /ðeə/.

I must get home. Bill's there on his own.

Come into the kitchen. I spend about of my fourth dimension at that place now.

Be Conscientious!
Don't utilize 'to' in forepart of in that location. Don't say, for example, 'I like going to at that place'. Say 'I similar going in that location'.

My family alive in Bharat. I still become there often.

Be Careful!
Likewise, don't use 'there' to introduce a subordinate clause. Don't say, for example, 'I went back to the park, there my sister was waiting'. Say 'I went dorsum to the park, where my sister was waiting'.

The accident took place in Oxford, where he and his wife lived.

3. 'their'

Don't confuse in that location with their, which is as well pronounced /ðeə/. You use their to show that something belongs or relates to item people, animals, or things.

I looked at their faces.

What would they do when they lost their jobs?

Collins COBUILD English language Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Substantive i. there - a location other than here at that place - a location other than here; that place; "y'all can take it from there"

location - a point or extent in space

hither - the nowadays location; this place; "where exercise we go from here?"

Adv. i. there - in or in that location; "they have lived there for years"; "it'due south non at that place"; "that human there"

at that identify, at that place

here - in or at this place; where the speaker or writer is; "I piece of work here"; "turn here"; "radio waves received here on Earth"

two. there - in that matter; "I agree with you there"

in that respect, on that bespeak

3. there - to or toward that place; away from the speaker; "get there around noon!"


hither, here - to this identify (especially toward the speaker); "come here, delight"

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


تُسْتَعْمَل للتَّهْدِئَه في تلْك النُّقْطَه هُناكهُنَاكَهُنالِك

tam tamhle teď 5 tomto bodě vida

der der kan du selv se hvad sagde jeg?

tie tien

siellä siihen siinä sinne -llä, -ssä, -lla, -ssa

tamo ondje

oda ott ugye ! lám !

jæja, hana nú òaî òar, òarna òar, òarna, í òví efni òarna

あそこ そこ そこに


10 ana na na štai štai šitas

lūk nu nu, nu! redzi nu! šajā vietā

acolo colo

no tak tam tamto v tom 5 tomto bode

tam tja

där det

ที่นั่น ที่นั่น ตรงนั้น

ở đó


A. [ðɛəʳ] ADV

1. (place) (= there about y'all) → ahí; (less precisely) → allí; (further away) → allá
put it there, on the tableponlo ahí, en la mesa
when nosotros left in that locationcuando partimos de allí
I don't know how to get thereno sé cómo llegar allí
there he is!¡allí está!
there's the double-deckerahí viene el autobús, ya viene el autobús
there nosotros were, stuckasí que nos encontramos allí sin podernos mover
to go at that place and back ir y volver
12 kilometres in that location and back12 kilómetros ida y vuelta
we left him back there at the crossroadslo dejamos allí atrás, en el cruce
to be there for sb (= supportive) → estar al lado de algn, apoyar a algn
down there on the floorahí en el suelo
let'south go down at that place by the rivervamos allí por el río
I'm going to London, my sis'south already downward therevoy a Londres, mi hermana ya está allí
information technology'due south in thereestá ahí dentro
it's on thereestá ahí encima
it'due south over there past the TVestá allí, junto al televisor
there and then en el acto, en seguida
they're through in that location in the dining roomestán por esa puerta or por ahí, en el comedor
what'due south the cat doing up there?¿qué hace el gato ahí arriba?
he's non all therele falta un tornillo

ii. (every bit addition to phrase)
bustle upwardly there!¡menearse!
mind out in that location!¡cuidado ahí!
motion forth there! (on street) → ¡retírense!; (in bus, railroad train) → ¡muévanse!, ¡no se paren, sigan para atrás!
you at that place!¡oye, tú!, ¡eh, usted! (more frm)

3. (= in existence, available) if the demand is there, the product will appearsi existe la demanda, aparecerá el producto
information technology's no good asking because the money simply isn't in that locationno sirve de nada pedir dinero, sencillamente porque no hay
the one-time church is still there todayla vieja iglesia todavía está en pie or existe hoy
is John in that location, please? (on phone) → ¿está John?

5. (= at that signal)
nosotros'll leave it in that location for todaylo dejaremos aquí por hoy
could I but cease you at that place and say something?¿puedo interrumpirte para decir algo al respecto?

half dozen. (emphasizing, pointing out) in that location, at present wait what you've done!desde luego, ¡mira lo que has hecho!
there once more por otra parte
in that location you are, what did I tell you!¿ves? es lo que te dije
"there you are," - he said, handing the book over-ahí lo tienes -dijo, entregando el libro
there you go again, upsetting the children¿vuelta a las andadas, molestando a los niños?, ¿ya estamos otra vez molestando a los niños?
it wasn't what I wanted, merely there you gono era lo que buscaba, pero ¿qué le vamos a hacer?
I'm not going, so in that location!pues no voy, y fastídiate

B. PRON at that place is; there arehay
there will behabrá
there were x bottleshabía or (esp LAm) habían diez botellas
how many are in that location?¿cuántos hay?
there will be eight people for dinner tonightseremos ocho para cenar esta noche
there was laughter at thisen esto hubo risas
there was singing and dancingse cantó y se bailó
there has been an accidentha habido united nations accidente
are in that location any bananas?¿hay plátanos?
is there any coffee?¿hay café?
there is no wine left no queda wine
in that location might be time/roompuede que haya tiempo/sitio
in that location is a pound missing falta una libra

C. [ðɛəʳ] EXCL there, drink thisbebe esto
there, there (comforting) → no te preocupes, no pasa nada
merely there, what's the use?pero ¡vamos!, es inútil


 Unlike there is/are , hay, hubo, había, ha habido practice not change to reverberate number:

There were ii kidnappings and a murder Hubo dos secuestros y united nations asesinato Volition there be many students at the party? ¿Habrá muchos estudiantes en la fiesta?

 To translate there must be, there may be, , y'all can use tiene que haber, debe (de) haber, puede haber, although other constructions volition likewise be possible:

At that place may be a strike Puede haber or Puede que haya huelga There must be all sorts of things we could do Tiene que haber muchas cosas que podamos hacer

 If there is/there are is followed by the, you should normally not use hay . Utilise estar instead:

And so at that place are the neighbours to consider Están también los vecinos, a los que hay que tener en cuenta There is also the question of the money transfer Está también la cuestión de la transferencia del dinero

Hay should only be used to talk nearly existence and occurrence. Don't use it to talk most location. Use estar instead to say where things are:

Afterward the shop at that place'due south the bus station Después de la tienda está la estación de autobuses

 Don't use hay to translate phrases similar there are 4 of us, there volition exist six of them. Instead, employ ser in the relevant person:

There are four of us Somos cuatro There volition be half-dozen of them Serán seis

 Remember to use que in the construction hay algo que hacer (in that location is sth to do):

There is a lot to do Hay mucho que hacer What is there to do? ¿Qué hay que hacer?

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Consummate and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈðɛər] (Potent) [ðər]


(referring to place, position)là, y before verb
Put it there, on the table → Mets-le là, sur la tabular array.
I want that volume there → je veux ce livre-là.
He went at that place on Friday → Il y est allé vendredi.
Paris? I've never been in that location → Paris? Je due north'y suis jamais allé.
it'southward in that location → c'est là
in there → là-dedans
on there → là-dessus
over in that location → là-bas
up at that place → là-haut
downwardly there → là-bas
to become there and back → faire l'aller-retour

(= in being, available) →
The group of buildings is still there today → L'ensemble d'immeubles est encore là aujourd'hui.
The book is at that place for people to read
BUT Le livre est à la disposition des lecteurs.

(to draw attending) there he is! → le voilà!
there they are! → les voilà!
hey, you at that place! → hé! Vous là-bas!

(= at that bespeak, on that point) (in story, discussion, action, process)
Nosotros'd better leave it in that location → On ferait mieux d'en rester là.
I hold with yous in that location
BUT Je suis d'accord avec vous là-dessus.

to be there for sb (= be supportive)
He'south e'er been in that location for me → Il a toujours été là quand j'avais besoin de lui.

there again adv (= later on all) → après tout

Collins English/French Electronic Resources. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

at that place


dort, da; (with motility) → dorthin, dahin; look, there's Joe/at that place's Joe comingguck mal, da ist/kommt Joe; it's under/over/in there es liegt dort or da drunter/drüben/drin; put it nether/over/in/on there stellen Sie es dort or da drunter/rüber or hinüber/rein or hinein/drauf or hinauf; let's terminate there hören wir doch da auf; (travelling) → halten wir doch da or dort an; in that location and dorsumhin und zurück; so there we wereda waren wir nun also; is Gordon there please? (on telephone) → ist Gordon da?; to be there for somebody (inf: = supportive) → für jdn da sein

(fig: = on this signal) → da; there you are incorrectda irren Sie sich; you've got me in that location da bin ich überfragt; I've got you in that location da or jetzt habe ich Sie

(in phrases) there is/arees or da ist/sind; (= there exists/exist likewise)es gibt; in that location were three of usawir waren zu dritt; there is a mouse in the roomes ist eine Maus im Zimmer; there was once a castle herehier war or stand einmal eine Burg; there is a chair in the cornerin der Ecke steht ein Stuhl; there is dancing laterdanach ist Tanz, danach wird getanzt; is there whatsoever beer?ist Bier da?; there'southward a volume I want to readda ist ein Buch, das ich lesen möchte; later on in that location was coffeeanschließend gab es Kaffee; is there any wine left? — well, there wasist noch Wein da? — gerade war noch welcher da; at that place isn't any food/time/point, is there? — yes there ises gibt wohl nichts zu essen/dazu haben wir wohl keine Zeit/das hat wohl keinen Sinn, oder? — doch!; there seems to be no-i at homees scheint keiner zu Hause zu sein; there appears to be a flaw in your statementda scheint ein Fehler in Ihrer Beweisführung zu sein; how many mistakes were there?wie viele Fehler waren es?; there is a page missinges or da fehlt eine Seite; there comes a time when …es kommt eine Zeit, wo …; there being no culling solutionda es keine andere Lösung gibt; there will be an opportunity for shoppinges wird Gelegenheit zum Einkaufen geben; God said: let there be lite, and there was calorie-freeund Gott sprach: es werde Licht! und es ward Licht; hullo there!hallo!; there yous get once more (inf)jetzt gehts schon wieder los; now there'due south a real womandas ist eine richtige Frau; there's gratitude for you lot! (iro)da haben Sie Ihren Chilly!; now there's a expert idea!(das ist) eine gute Idee!; so there! ätsch! ; in that location you are (giving sb sth) → hier(, bitte)!; (on finding sb) → da sind Sie ja!; there yous or nosotros are, you see, I knew he'd say thatna, sehen Sie, ich habe es ja gewusst, dass er das sagen würde; await, I'll help yous … there y'all are!warten Sie, ich helfe Ihnen, … so(, das wärs)!; yous press the switch and there you are!Sie brauchen nur den Schalter zu drücken, das ist alles; I tin can't dance, but at that place again, I never couldich kann nicht tanzen, aber das habe ich eigentlich noch nie gekonnt

interj at that place! there!na, na!; stop crying now, there's a good boyhör auf zu weinen, na komm; drop it, at that place's a skilful domestic doglass das fallen, komm, sei brav; now there'south a good male child, don't tease your sisterkomm, sei ein braver Junge und ärgere deine Schwester nicht; hey, you there! (inf)he, Sie da!; bustle upward there (inf)Beeilung!, Tempo, Tempo! (inf); make way in that location Platz da!, machen Sie mal Platz!; there, take this to your female parentda, bring das deiner Mutter; just there, what's the adept of talking almost it?was solls, es hat doch keinen Zweck, darüber zu reden; there! I knew it would suspension!da! ich habs ja gewusst, dass es kaputtgehen würde!

Collins German Dictionary – Consummate and Unabridged seventh Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

in that location

(ðeə) , (ðə) adverb

1. (at, in, or to) that identify. He lives there; Don't get there. daar هُناك там tam dort der εκεί allí seal, sinna آنجا tuolla, tuonne, tuossa, siellä, sinne y, là שם वहां पर ondje, tamo ott; oda di sana þar, þarna lì, là そこに 거기에, 거기서, 그곳에서, 그기로 ten tur di sana daar der, dit tam acolo там; туда tam tam; tja tamo där, dit ที่นั่น oraya, orası, orada 那裡 там وہاں (dùng sau giới từ) đó, ở đó 那里

2. used to introduce sentences in which a land, fact etc is being announced. There has been an accident at the manufacturing plant; In that location seems to be something wrong; I don't want at that place to be any mistakes in this. daar هُنالِك като подлог в изречение (použití ve vazbě there is/are) da der haber (alustab teadet) در آغاز جمله هایی که فاعل آنها پس از فعل می آید jossakin on jotain il; il y a יש, היה, היו वह क्रिया शब्दों के साथ बल देने के लिए ima, jest (vminek a létezését, megtörténtét vezeti be:) volt egy... ada það ci 文頭に (사실, 상태를 나타내는 문장을 이끄는) 거기 teikuma ievadkonstrukcijā nav tulkojams terdapat er det go там tam, v tom tu det มี (ใช้เป็น indefinite pronoun อยู่ต้นประโยค) var 引導句子(表述一種狀況或事實) без лексичного значення بطور تعارف کے استعمال کيا جانے والا لفظ 引导句子(表述一种状况或事实)

3. at that time; at that point in a speech communication, argument etc. There I cannot concur with yous; Don't stop there – tell me what happened next! nou al في تلْك النُّقْطَه там teď, v tomto bodě da der σε αυτό το σημείο en eso, en esa cuestión; en ese punto siin, siinkohal در آن مورد؛ در آنجا siinä כאן, בנקודה זו वहां, उस स्थान पर, उस जगह पर, उस बिन्दु पर, उस तथ्य पर, उस बात पर tu, u tome abban; ott di situ þar, þarna, í því efni lì, là その点で 거기, 그 점에서 čia te; šajā vietā di situ daar der wtedy, w tym miejscu acolo; în acel punct тут; здесь teraz, v tomto bode tukaj tu där ภาวะนั้น o noktada, orada 在那一點上或那個方面 тут اس وقت ở điểm đó 在那一点上或那个方面

four. (with the subject area of the sentence following the verb except when information technology is a pronoun) used at the beginning of a sentence, commonly with be or go, to draw attending to, or betoken out, someone or something. There she goes now! There information technology is! daar تُسْتَعْمَل للإشارَةِ ولَفْت الإنتِباه بمَعْنى: ها هوَ، ها هيَ ето там vida, tak da der να, ορίστε ahí seal برای جلب توجه به چیزی kas niin, no niin voilà הנה, הרי वहां eto, eno (figyelemfelkeltés) itu þar, þarna ecco そら (관심을 끌거나, 지적을 위해 대명사의 경우를 제외하고 동사와 함께 주어 앞에 오는) 저기! ðtai, ana lūk itu dia daar der oto iată, uite вот; вон tak, pozrime sa tam evo där ถูกใช้ในการเริ่มต้นประโยค โดยปกติใช้กับ exist หรือ go işte 用在句首以引起注意(常與go, be一起使用) ось اشارہ کرنے کے ليے đây rồi (thu hút sự chú ý) 用在句首以引起注意(常与go, be一起使用)

5. (placed immediately after noun) used for emphasis or to point out someone or something. That volume at that place is the ane you need. daar, daardie تُسْتَعْمَل بَعد الإسْم للتَّوكيد أو الإشارَة إلى شَخْصٍ أو شَيْءٍ онзи tamhle da der εκεί πέρα ahí siin برای تاکید یا اشاره به چیزی tuolla, tuossa -là; là זהו वह स्थान, वह जगह, ठीक है न baš taj (nyomatékosítás) itu þarna lì, là そこのその (누구, 어떤 것을 강조 또는 지적하기 위해 명사 바로 뒤에 오는) 그것 ðtai ðitas lūk; nu yg di sana itu daar der tam de acolo вон там tamto tisti tam tamo där นั่น oradaki, o 用在名詞後以加強語氣 ось زور ڈالنے کے ليے tại đó 用在名词后以加强语气


1. used to at-home or comfort. There, now. Things aren't as bad as they seem. toe-toe, komaan تُسْتَعْمَل للتَّهْدِئَه спокойно então nu tak na(bitte) så, så έλα τώρα! venga, bueno; ¿ves? nonoh, pole midagi خب؛ بیا älähän nyt allons הנה लो-देखो प्रोत्साहन, परेशान करना no lám (csak)! sudahlah svona su, via まあまあ (진정시키거나 위로하기 위해 문두에 사용) 저기요 na na nu, nu! sudahlah kom, kom så så ... No ... então gata ну, ну!; полно! no tak no, no hajde såja!, seså! ถูกใช้ทำให้สงบหรือปลอบประโลม Bak!, Dinle! (表示撫慰、安慰)不要緊,(用來安慰他人)好了沒事啦! ну, годі اطمينان دلانے کے ليے dùng để dỗ dành (表示抚慰、安慰)不要紧

2. used when a person has been shown to exist correct, when something bad happens, or when something has been completed. There! I told you he would do it!; At that place! That'south that job done; There! I said you would injure yourself! goed, toe تُسْتَعْمَل عِندَما يَظْهَر أن الشَّخْص على حَق بمِعْنى: هل رأيْت؟ казах ти então! tak vida! da! der kan du selv se; hvad sagde jeg? ορίστε! ¿(lo) ves? no näed, näed nüüd دیدی siinäs näet là! voilà! הנה, תראה eto ti, sad ti je jasno ugye (ugye)! nah! jæja, hana nú ecco ほら (뭔가 예상 되로 되었을 때) 그것 보세요! na, matai! redzi nu! kan zie je wel der kan du se!; se så!; der! A widzisz! então! uite!, iată! ну вот!;вот видите! tak vidíš! zdaj pa imaš! eto där ser du (ni)!, så där ja! ถูกใช้เมื่อบุคคุลถูกแสดงว่าเป็นคนถูก หรือเมื่อบางสิ่งร้าย ๆ ได้เกิดขึ้น หรือเมื่อบางสิ่งได้ถูกทำให้สำเร็จ İşte!, Bak! 好啦!看你! а що я казав! ديکھو، سنو thấy chưa (bày tỏ sự đắc thắng, sự phấn khích) 好啦!看你!

ˌthereaˈbout(s) adverb

approximately in that place, of that number, at that fourth dimension etc. a hundred or thereabouts; at three o'clock or thereabouts. ongeveer, omtrent, min of meer نَحْو، حَوالي، تَقْريبا приблизително там, тогава por aí tak asi and so ungefähr deromkring περίπου por ahí, más o menos selle ümber, umbes niipalju در آن حوالی؛ در حدود آن وقت suunnilleen à peu près בסביבה, בערך [] आस पास tu negdje, tu otprilike körül(belül) kira-kira þar í grennd; um það leyti; nálægt því (giù di lì), (all'incirca); (lì vicino) その辺, およそ 그쯤 apie, maždaug apmēram; aptuveni dekat-dekat ongeveer der omkring mniej więcej por aí (cam) aşa ceva около этого; приблизительно tak asi, približne približno tu negde däromkring โดยประมาณนั้น civarda, ...-east yakın 在那附近,左右,上下 орієнтовно, приблизно قريب قريب، آس پاس vùng lân cận 在那附近,左右,上下

therefore (ˈðeəfoː) adverb

for that reason. He worked hard, and therefore he was able to salve coin. dus لِذلِك затова portanto proto, tudíž deshalb derfor επομένως, άρα por eso; por consiguiente seetõttu بنابراین؛ درنتیجه siksi par conséquent לכן अंत stoga, radi toga azért karenanya þess vegna perciò それゆえに 그 결과 todėl tāpēc; tādēļ oelh itu daarom derfor dlatego portanto în consecinţă, deci поэтому preto zato zato därför เพราะฉะนั้น bu yüzden, onun için 因此 тому اسي وجہ سے، اسي ليے vì thế 因此

in that location's (ðeəz) curt for there is

Kernerman English language Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 G Dictionaries Ltd.

in that location

هُنَاكَ tam der da εκεί ahí, allí, haber -llä, -ssä, -lla, -ssa, siellä il y a, là-bas tamo ci, là そこに 거기에 daar der, det nie tłumaczy się na język polski w połączeniu z czasownikiem, tam ali, estar, haver/existir вот, там där, det ที่นั่น, ที่นั่น ตรงนั้น orada , ở đó 在那里, 那里

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

  • How practise I become there? → كَيْفَ يـُمْكِنُ أَنْ أَصِلَ إِلى هُنَاكَ؟ → Jak se tam dostanu? → Hvordan kommer jeg dertil? → Wie komme ich dorthin? → Πώς θα πάω εκεί; → ¿Cómo llego allí? → Miten pääsen sinne? → Annotate faire pour y aller ? → Kako da dođem exercise tamo? → Come posso arrivarci? → そこへはどう行けばいいのですか? → 거기에 어떻게 가나요? → Hoe kom ik daar? → Hvordan kommer jeg meg dit? → Jak się tam dostać? → Como eu chego lá? → Как мне туда добраться? → Hur tar jag mig dit? → ฉันจะไปที่นั่นได้อย่างไร? → Oraya nasıl gidebilirim? → Xin chỉ cho tôi cách đến đó → 怎么走才能到那里呢?
  • It'southward over there → إِنَّهُ هُنَالكَ → Je to tamhle → Det er derovre → Es ist dort drüben → Είναι εκεί → Está allí → Se on tuolla → C'est là-bas → To je tamo → È laggiù → あそこです → 저쪽에 있어요 → Daar is het → Det er der borte → To jest tam → É ali → Это вон там → Detär där borta → อยู่ที่โน่น → Orada → Nó ở đằng kia → 在那边
  • Put it downwardly over in that location, please → أَنْزِلْها هُنَاكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ → Postavte to, prosím, tamhle → Sæt den derovre, tak → Stellen Sie es bitte dort ab → Αφήστε το εκεί, παρακαλώ → Póngala allí, por favor → Laittakaa se tuonne, kiitos → Posez-le là-bas, s'il vous plaît → Stavite ovdje, molim vas → Lo metta qui, per favore → そこへ置いてください → 저기에 내려놓으세요 → Kunt u het daar neerzetten? → Sett den der, er du snill → Proszę go tam położyć → Coloque alí, por favor → Поставьте здесь, пожалуйста → Lägg den där borta, tack → ช่วยวางมันลงที่นั่น → Şuraya koyun lütfen → Làm ơn để ở đằng kia → 请把它放到那儿去
  • What is there to do here? → ما الَّذِي يـُمْكِنُ أَنْ نَفْعَلَهُ هُنا؟ → Co se tady dá podniknout? → Hvad er der at lave her? → Was kann man hier unternehmen? → Τι υπάρχει για να κάνω εδώ; → ¿Qué se puede hacer por aquí? → Mitä tehtävää täällä on? → Qu'est-ce qu'il y a à faire ici ? → Što se ovdje može raditi? → Cosa si può fare qui? → ここでできることは何がありますか? → 여기에서 할 만한 것이 있나요? → Wat is er hier te doen? → Hva kan man finne på her? → Co można tutaj robić? → O que tem para fazer aqui? → Чем здесь стоит заняться? → Vad finns det att göra här? → มีอะไรทำบ้างที่นั่น? → Burada neler yapabiliriz? → Ở đây có gì để làm không? → 这儿有哪些好玩的地方?
  • What is there to do in the evenings? → ماذا يـُمْكِنُ أَنْ نَفْعَلَهُ في الـمَساءِ؟ → Jak se dají trávit večery? → Hvad er der at lave om aftenen? → Was kann human being hier abends unternehmen? → Τι υπάρχει για να κάνει κανείς το βράδυ; → ¿Qué se puede hacer aquí por las noches? → Mitä tekemistä täällä on iltaisin? → Qu'est-ce qu'il y a à faire le soir ? → Što se tu može raditi navečer? → Cosa si fa la sera qui? → 晩にできることは何がありますか? → 밤에 할 만 한 것이 있나요? → Wat is er 's avonds te doen? → Hva kan human being finne på om kvelden? → Co można tu robić wieczorami? → O que tem para se fazer à noite? → Чем можно заняться вечером? → Vad kan man göra på kvällarna? → มีอะไรทำที่นั่นในตอนเย็น? → Burada akşamları yapılabilecek ne var? → Buổi tối có gì làm không? → 晚上有什么好玩的活动?
  • What indoor activities are at that place? مَا الأَنْشِطَةُ الرِّيَّاضِيَّةُ الدَّاخِلِيَّةُ الْـمُتَاحَةُ هُنَاكَ ؟ → Jaké jsou tu halové aktivity? → Hvilke indendørsaktiviteter er der her? → Welche Hallensportarten gibt es hier? → Τι δραστηριότητες εσωτερικού χώρου υπάρχουν; → ¿Qué actividades en pista cubierta hay? → Mitä sisäurheilulajeja täällä voi harrastaa? → Quelles activités en salle y sont disponibles ? → Kakve se aktivnosti nude u zatvorenom? → Quali attività al coperto si possono praticare? → どんなインドア・アクティビティがありますか? → 어떤 실내 활동이 있나요? → Welke binnenactiviteiten zijn er? → Hvilke muligheter er det for innendørsaktiviteter? → Jakiego rodzaju zajęcia halowe są dostępne? → Quais são equally atividades internas? → Какими видами спорта можно заняться здесь в закрытом помещении? → Vilka inomhussporter finns det? → มีกิจกรรมในร่มอะไรบ้าง? → Kapalı sport etkinlikleri var mı? → Có những hoạt động gì trong nhà? → 有哪些室内体育活动?
  • Is ... there? → هَلْ ... مَوْجُودٌ؟ → Je tam ...? → Er ... der? → Ist ... da? → Είναι εκεί ο ...; → ¿Está ...? → Onko ... paikalla? → Est-ce que ... est là ? → Je li … tamo? → C'è ...? → ・・・さんはいらっしゃいますか? → ... 계세요? → Is ... er? → Er . der? → Czy zastałem...? → O ... está? → На месте ли ... ? → Är ... inne? → คุณ...….อยู่ที่นั่นไหม? ... orada mı? → Có ... ở đấy không? ...在吗?
  • There's been a misunderstanding → هُناكَ سوْءُ التَّفَاهُمِ → Došlo zde yard nedorozumění → Der er sket en misforståelse → Es liegt ein Missverständnis vor → Έγινε παρεξήγηση → Ha habido un malentendido → On tapahtunut väärinkäsitys → C'est un malentendu → Krivo smo se razumjeli → C'è stato united nations malinteso → 誤解があります → 오해가 있었어요 → Er is een misverstand → Det har vært en misforståelse → Zaistniało nieporozumienie → Aconteceu um mal entendido → Произошло недоразумение → Det har blivit ett missförstånd → มีการเข้าใจผิด → Bir yanlış anlama var → Đã có sự hiểu lầm → 这里面有误会
  • In that location's been an accident! → كانَتْ هُناكَ حَادِثَةٌ → Došlo k nehodě! → Der er sket en ulykke! → Es gab einen Unfall! → Έγινε ατύχημα! → ¡Ha habido un accidente! → On tapahtunut onnettomuus! → Il y a eu un accident ! → Dogodila se nesreća! → C'è stato un incidente! → 事故がありました! → 사고가 있었어요! → Er is een ongeluk gebeurd! → Det har vært en ulykke! → Zdarzył się wypadek! → Houve um acidente! → Произошел несчастный случай! → Det har hänt en olycka! → มีอุบัติเหตุเกิดขึ้น → Bir kaza oldu! → Có tai nạn! → 出车祸了!

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


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